Monthly Meetings
The Muskingum Valley Beverly Waterford Chamber of Commerce meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Registration begins at 11:30 AM, with the business meeting from Noon - 1:00 PM. The meeting/Luncheon Cost is $15.
2024 Monthly Meeting Dates:
Feb. 7 -Speaker, Greg Nohe and Mark Warden, Candidates for Washington County Sheriff
March 6 - Speaker, Southeastern Ohio Counseling Center,
April 3 - Speaker, Robin Ambrozy, Small Business Development Center & Eleanor Smith, Ohio Valley Employment Resource
May 1 - TBD
June 5- TBD
July - No Meeting!
August 7 - Annual Chamber Cookout
Sept. 4 - School Update (Waterford, Fort Frye and WCCC)
Oct. 2 - Legislative Update / Political Candidates
Nov. 6 - Rich Oster, Deputy Director, ODOT, Deanna Green, Administrator, Washington County Home
Dec. 4 - Annual Toys for Children Drive
Meetings are held at the Beverly-Waterford Rescue Squad/Township Building Beverly (Directly behind the Rock Box). Parking is available in the paved and gravel lot beside the building.
If you plan to attend a meeting, please fill out the form below. Reservations are required.